As a school that carries the mission of The Quality Conscious, a School of Excellence and Model, Muhamaddiyah Sapen Elementary School never stop in doing innovation educational services program to students. A variety of educational services have been implemented include : fieldtrip programe or outdoor, outbound programs, home visit programs, development programs on student achievement results, the acceleration program, health care programs, cross-subsidy programs (specially the fund), the program psychologist consulting services, and so forth.
In order to develop a talent or Talent students who have the potential in math and science, starting 2008/2009 School Year, Muhammaddiyah Sapen Elementary school organize the class field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The presence of CI- MIPA class is the development of intelligent privileged class who have run before, namely accelerated classes.
CI-MIPA Class uses Plus curriculum with a system using the expansion (enrichment) and deepening (to deepen) in the subject matter of mathematics and science as well as strengthening the English language. In practice, CI-MIPA classroom learning using the concept of learning by doing learning and mastery learning and an introduction to the concept of bilingual learning, students are expected to have competent skills in the three fields of study and mastery of English language both active and passive.
Similarly the class facilities, classes CI MIPA equipped with multimedia facilities connected to the Internet or intranet premises and comfortable rooms equipped with air conditioning. For reference of students, Muhammaddiyah Sapen Elementary School have been providing multimedia library room that has a very complete library facilities both digital libraries that includes library of video, audio, pdf, image and library manual with the number 3600 collection consists of books of fiction and non fiction books.
In the daily of CI- MIPA students also monitored both in terms of physical and psychological health by a team of doctors and psychologists from Prsychology faculty of UGM. To support the smooth process of the class CI MIPA, Muhammaddiyah Sapen Elementary School has entered into cooperation (MOU) with the Faculty of Psychology and Faculty of Mathematics UNY UGM.
PRecruitment process of CI-MIPA students had done some time ago with through several stages, namely: psychological test phase, test phase of the three academic areas of study include: math, science, and english, health testing phase, and the promissory note parents. Of the 424 students who follow the stages of the above tests, the number of students who successfully pass the selection recruitment of CI-MIPA programs for the academic year 2008/2009 are 300 students.